Blockchain technology is a springboard for innovation and value creation across many sectors (payments, loans, investments, corporate, gaming, transport, food), and thousands of companies have begun to implement this technology in their daily operations.
Over the years that we have been assisting companies in this sector, we have gained expertise in tokenization and all kinds of token issuances (ICO, IDO, STO); the legalisation and registration of exchanges, crypto asset custodians, and general service providers of crypto assets; legal reports; and the application of blockchain to the corporate sector.
Furthermore, since 2018, we have been legalising ‘crypto projects’ by submitting them for approval from the corresponding supervisory bodies.
- Comprehensive legal advice to crypto asset service providers.
- Registration of exchanges and custodians with the Bank of Spain.
- Legalisation of crypto launchpads.
- Legal reports on blockchain projects, legal status of tokens, crypto funds, crypto indices, crypto bots, etc.
- Tokenization.
- Data protection and blockchain.
Areas of practice
Fintech regulatory
The ‘unregulated’ nature of blockchain is a thing of the past: Circular on crypto-asset advertising, MiCA, PBCFT Law 10/2010, DLT Regulation, Securities Market Law. We can help you comply with all the regulations.
Data protection
The technical nature of DLT conflicts with data protection regulations, since most public blockchains do not allow the information registered in them to be edited or deleted. These and other data protection problems can be solved with good legal advice.
Soon, thanks to the latest legislation in digital identity, all kinds of public bodies and administrations will be able to use blockchain. The legal implications of this will be tremendous.
Criminal and compliance
Many companies have been caught up in scandals by failing to properly apply compliance policies, being accused of fraud, misappropriation, deception, or money laundering. To avoid this, the best solution is prevention.
We can assist you with any lawsuit, mediation, or arbitration process, always with a focus on prevention and avoiding conflicts related to the crypto sector.
Fiscal and tax
No disruptive project can succeed with guaranteed returns unless the tax impact of its business model is considered. We are aware of this at ALEDRA, and our tax team is involved from the initial stage of the idea to the deployment stage.
If you have a moment to spare, you can read about ideas and solutions to your problems here.
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