+ 34 91 577 98 19 despacho@aledralegal.com

Associations and foundations

Associations and foundations

The sector of foundations, associations, federations, and NGOs is made up of non-profits that develop projects for social action or the defence of collective interests.

The main challenges faced by these entities include accountability and demonstrating their effectiveness to their stakeholders and to society in general, requiring professionalised management. Furthermore, as the future trends point to international integration and globalisation, their role is being harmonised in various countries.

Our expert advisers in this sector are aware of their needs, concerns, and objectives. Based on their experience serving as trustees, they have the right knowledge to support clients, and they advise founders and boards of governors and trustees on a regular basis. Our service aims to help foundations and associations to meet their obligations in terms of supervisory bodies and official registers.


  • Assistance preparing the report on the creation of foundations and non-profit associations.
  • Advice on the process of establishing foundations, associations, and federations.
  • Termination and liquidation of non-profit entities.
  • Provision of interim manager services.
  • Advisory services, including as secretary of the foundation’s board of trustees and the governing bodies of associations and federations.
  • Participation as members of advisory boards of foundations.
  • Fulfilment of obligations with the Foundations Supervisory Department and official registers.
  • Drafting and presentation of annual action plans, review of reports and annual accounts.
  • Design and implementation of good governance and compliance structures and plans.
  • Advice on institutional relations.

Areas of practice

Criminal and compliance

Aledra will advise you on implementing compliance systems or obtaining the corresponding certification under a standardised system. We will also provide mentoring for your compliance officer and training for members of your organisation according to their functions.

Labour and social security

The lawyers at Aledra will help you to identify, negotiate, and formalise the most beneficial types of contracts based on the activities and scope of your association or foundation.


Data protection

Non-profits manage personal data related to their founding members, contributors, trustees, and the third parties with whom they interact. This data is highly sensitive and must be protected in accordance with the current regulations.


We can assist you with the management of public aid and subsidies, the declaration as a public charitable organisation, and the processing of the tax benefits available under Spanish law.

Sector managers




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manuel j.



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If you have a moment to spare, you can read about ideas and solutions to your problems here.

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Associations and Foundations 



Sports, Culture and Entertainment

Digital Economy

Family Businesses

Energy and natural resources


Infraestructuras y sector industrial

Real estate and urban planning


Venture Capital

AREAS of practice

Domestic and international arbitration
Financial and banking
Fiscal and Tax
Bankruptcies and restructuring
Labour and social security
Commercial and corporate
Criminal and compliance
Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
Privacy and data protection
Intellectual property
Fintech regulatory
Technology and digital media